biodisponibilitàQuality Test of Wines of Light with Crystallization.

In 2013 the VisionLab Energy Quality Research laboratories deeply analysed the wines produced with the “Vini di Luce” method to verify if our method really brings benefits from a energy and bioavailability point of view. Their response was really positive. We report below the overall opinion extrapolated from the analysis document they have provided.

Cristallografia Vini di Luce

NIn the crystallographic results, analysed over a period of two months, a vital and therapeutic crystallographic nature of the “Vini di Luce” of the oenologist Filippi emerges in a clear and constant manner, compared with other conventional wines. The formative strength of the crystals is very high and widespread. Such typifications are found only in high quality remedies or products. These are repeatable crystallographic forms that spread in 90% of the analysed drops. The order of “clustering” is very high and capable of depositing the solutes in an orderly and organic way.


[…] The intrinsic shape of the crystalline aggregates of ““VINI DI LUCE”” is very strong and can be evaluated with very high quality scores. The localisation of crystals in the macromolecule is uniform and it follows precise growth rates, with a very marked and significant Plant-like tropism. There is a general tendency towards the consistent diffusion of macrocrystals to prove a consistent intrinsic force in the wine. The angular structures and the shape relationships are average and do not present particular breaking elements. The solutes analysed in the wine have organic characteristics of highly bio-available substances.


Cristallografia Vini di Luce

The analyzed products were able to perfectly change the crystallization of LDC. The crystallographic change is absolute and evident. A remedy able to give such an improvement in the formative capacity of crystals and a widespread birth of harmonic macrocrystals, is a decidedly bio-active substance. The wines covered by the protocol present a very harmonious final structure but at the same time have a strong crystallographic value. We find a clear similarity with the shapes of the “Dendritic Crystals” present in fractal orders, hexagonal snow crystals or in minerals. Dendrite, of the Greek “Dendron” tree, denotes a crystal lattice, a reticular structure whose form refers to “Arborescent” orders. […] In the presence of precise and studied phase transitions in the SAT methodology, it is possible to arrive at the spontaneous appearance of these “plant-like” reticular forms that when present in a liquid macro-crystal, denote a very deep degree of vitality and energy. In case of the analysed liquid, we observed, in all the precipitates, a significant manifestation of crystals with thin symmetrical decorations, with harmonic and centrifugal growth, in which the bifurcations and the growth ratios follow precise hexagonal geometrical orders typical of pure essences and of an active energy state. According to the SAT tables and according to our twenty-year experience, it can be said that only bio-active substances in an ideal state of natural preservation can have similar crystallisations. The systematic nature of the crystallographic manifestations, denotes repetitiveness of energy information that as mentioned above appears on 90% of precipitates. The intrinsic symmetry of both insulated crystals with a magnification of 500, and of the totality of the drops, is perfectly evident and allows us to express once again an excellent judgment about the diffusion of the computerised and curative principles of the remedy. The forms of crystallization are able to highlight, in their specific language, the action of the primary or “morphogenetic” field that produces and permeates each substance.

Quality Test of “Vini di Luce”

The crystallographic change is absolute and evident. A remedy able to give such an improvement in the formative capacity of crystals and a widespread birth of harmonic macrocrystals, is a decidedly bio-active substance.

Analisi qualitativeVisionlab: laboratory for crystallization Analysis research.

Visionlab (Labor für Qualitätsforschung im Bereich der Lebenskraft) is the laboratory of the historic SOYANA A.W. Daenzer of Zurich, a Swiss company leader in the organic food industry since 1980. Soyana produces over two hundred types of organic products with capillary distribution throughout Europe.

Since its creation in 1998, Visonlab has introduced new evaluation parameters of energy matrix for determining the quality of a food. The SAT (Soyana Advanced technology) methodology of Visionlab studies the energetic characteristics of the macrocrystalline formations obtained after the salt extraction and sedimentation procedures. The S.A.T. technique is a crystallographic precipitation analysis method with a protocol that is inspired by the scientific theories of modern biophysics and quantum physics. Visionlab has standardized the process by creating the SAT methodology.


Contact us immediately if you are interested in joining the project or want to know more about the Light and Carbon Farming and the Vini di Luce.
Learn more about Light and Carbon Agriculture and the “DiVini e di Luce” seal.